Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Future is Here Now

Okay, so I haven't posted anything here for a spell. Truth be told I had to check back in to that other universe I come from. I gotta file reports on y'all every now and again. 'Course we don't have paper there -- way past that -- so "paper work" don't slow us down none the way it's done here. But there was a heap of brain work I had to do and that ain't near as easy as it was back in my youth.

One thing I'm supposed to be watching is all the twists and turns leading up to 2012. No call to break out your Ouija boards trying to figure out what's gonna happen. A brainiac named Terence McKenna has already done the heavy lifting with his Timewave Zero computer model.

Seems that McKenna feller input all of the known human advances into a computer to come up with a graphic time-line to determine the progress of human innovation. Then he used that model to peek into the future. What he saw was that knowledge and invention climbs off the chart like a shot out of a shovel. And all of this will be visited upon us on December 22, 2012. It took awhile for someone to point out that his conclusion lined up to a fraction with the Great 26,000 year cycle of the Mayans.

On that date the linear time-based notions we all hold dear will start to collapse. A grand new cycle will commence. Time and space will be history. Even history will be history. Old wore out ways of being will pass away. Things we never thought could come to pass will be a done deal.

Don't fret. Everything will seem pretty much the way it is. Some folks will be changed in ways they can't explain. Like a different species they will be identical in every way except their abilities, their knowledge.

Look at it this way. Some folks look up into the night sky and see a random scattering of stars. But a few folks see a landscape all mapped out, or a navigation device. But you can't simply look at those folks and know that they know. And if they try to explain it you won't get it. Not really.

I reckon if you're shocked by the changes happening here and now you're living in the past. And you gotta get past that or get left behind.

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