Friday, November 7, 2008

Where Have All The Critters Gone?

‘Member that feller Noah? You know, the one with the floatin’ zoo? Well I reckon he’s wonderin’ why he bothered. After all, we’ve been none too kind to the critters he tried to save.

I can nearly hear him now sayin’, “If I’d a known what was gonna happen I’d a built a smaller boat and cut back on the varmit round-up. But noooo. No one let me in on that part.

"Course the round-up was nothin’ compared to what I had to endure from the women-folk what with me bringing all those critters indoors.

"You try it.

"I can still here momma now yellin’, 'All right then. But if they make a mess you’re cleanin’ it up.'

"Which I did.

"And now this.

"If you expect me to come back and help out again you’re dumber than you pretend to be..."

[You can here this here: ]

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