Maybe It's just me, maybe not. But it sure seems there's a whole lot of hate speech being spread around like mud in a pig waller. Could be that when all's said and done folks will get it outa their gullet and go back to being mostly normal. Right now we ain't in normal no more.
Once I was given a sage piece of advice from my Uncle Later Billy who commented, "All's well that pretends well." So just maybe we should all pretend to be sociable and it just might stick.
'Course if you got something that needs to be said I reckon it's gotta get done. A little humor throwed in to the mix won't hurt your standing with other folks near as much as flat out nasty.
That said, I got some gullet work to do.
About Sarah Palin: I reckon she's got so much cute in her face it squoze her brains out.
About John McCain: Wish you were who you were a few years back. I might a voted for you. For now I'm gonna put you out of my misery.
About Obama: Why don't you remind folks you just might be the first half-white president?
About elections: Let's move them ahead a year or so just to make the campaigns shorter. Limit campaign contributions to one dollar per person. No corporation need apply. Add up the loot. The one with the most bucks wins. I ain't figured out the details, but since it all seems to be about the almighty dollar anyway let's just go with that.
No TV ads. Period. They're beginning to smell worse than my hound dog. Maybe three debates cause that's about all we can stomach, and mostly they just repeat themselves over and over anyway. And all candidates must agree to be interviewed by anyone with a camera or tape recorder.
I'm still pondering why they call the vice president the "vice" president. I'd just as soon not have anyone in public office with vice somewhere in their name. How about president-in-waiting? I'm open to suggestions.
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